Etude de quelques propriétés physiques de briques en latérite compressées à l’état résiduel en fonction de la température

Hasina Andriatahina RATRIMOARISONINA


Study of some physical properties of compressed laterite bricks in their residual state as a function of temperature

Two series of bricks were made from laterite with 0% cement and 3% of cement designated by BTC and BTCS, respectively. The bricks have been tested in the residual state (after cooling), dry and wet. The variation of physical properties especially the Young's modulus in the temperature range 25 °C to 1000 °C was evaluated.

The results show that the masses of BTC and BTCS decrease when the temperature rises. In contrast, the porosity rates of BTC and BTCS increase with temperature. As for the Young's modulus, it decreases with temperature. These variations are consistent with the mechanical properties of construction materials. The addition of cement into the mixture improves the mechanical properties of the compressed laterite brick.

Keywords: Compressed laterite brick; Physical properties; Young's modulus.


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