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Author Guidelines

1. Aims and Scope

 Sciences des Structures et de la Matière is one of the nine series of “Revue   Africaine   et   Malgache   de   Recherche   Scientifique” (RAMReS) sponsored by “Conseil Africain et Malgache pour l’Enseignement Supérieur” (CAMES) which is the African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education.

Sciences des Structures et de la Matière is a blind peer reviewed, open access (see section 4.4) and multidisciplinary scientific journal covering various fields: Chemistry, Physics, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Materials Sciences, Environmental Sciences.  However, Sciences des Structures et de la Matière shows particular interest in research works on the relationships between structure (nano, micro, meso or macro), production processes, material properties (electrical, mechanical, electronic, chemical, magnetic, thermal, optical, biochemical, etc.) and their applications.

Sciences des Structures et de la Matière welcomes various types of articles that have never been published: Original full-length research papers, Reviews, Case study and Short communications.

Original full-length research papers present results of new and original research, including methodology, results and discussion.

Reviews articles synthesize and analyze (critically) existing works on a given subject, providing an overview of current knowledge.

Case study papers present specific case studies illustrating particular situations. They may also describe new research methods or techniques with examples of application.

Short communications are shorter than the original research articles. They present works that may be of a preliminary nature but merit publication.

2. Abstracting & Indexing

Sciences des Structures et de la Matière journal is indexed in:

- Google Scholar (

- Crossref (

- International Scientific Indexing (ISI) (

3. Editorial Board


Boa David, Université Nangui Abrogoua, Côte d’Ivoire

Associate Editors :

- Anguile Jean Jacques, Université des Sciences et Techniques de Masuku, Gabon

- Banna Magolmèèna, Université de Lomé, Togo

- Békro Yves-Alain, Université Nangui Abrogoua, Côte d’Ivoire

- Beye Aboubaker Chedikh, Université Cheick Anta Diop, Sénégal

- Gomina Moussa, ENSI-Caen, France

- Lamboni Courdjo, Université de Lomé, Togo

- Mani Kongnine Damgou, Université de Lomé, Togo

- Megnassan Etchri Eugène, Université Nangui Abrogoua, Côte d’Ivoire

- Sei Joseph, Université de Cocody, Côte d’Ivoire

- Tchangbedji Gado, Université de Lomé, Togo

- Drogui Allali Patrick, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), Université du Québec, Canada

- Ndiaye Diakhaby Mariama, Université Gaston Berger, Sénégal

4. Guide for authors

4.1 Manuscript

4.1.1 File format

Two formats are accepted: Word and Latex.


Use preferably the Times New Roman font (size: 12). Spacing: 1.5. Keep the default margins provided by Word. Each page must be numbered.


The manuscript must be written in a two-columns document with “article” format. Use appropriate packages in the preamble. It is strongly recommended to transmit files that do not present any errors after compilation. During the submission process, upload the pdf file as the original file and all other useful zip-compressed files as supplementary (additional) file. Some necessary packages are given below. 







In both cases (Word or Latex), a pdf file alone will not be accepted. Use spell-check and grammar-check functions to avoid errors.

4.1.2 Accepted languages

English and French.

4.1.3 Structure

The article should consist of the following parts:

- Title (It must be attractive, concise and informative)

- First and last names of the authors (The corresponding author must be identified by an asterisk)

- Affiliation of authors (full addresses including e-mail addresses must be provided)

- Abstract (in French and English for manuscripts in French)

- Keywords in French or English

- Introduction

- Materials and methods

- Results and discussion

- Conclusion

- Abbreviations used (optional)

- Acknowledgements (optional)

- Appendices (optional)

- Bibliographical references

Footnotes should be avoided.

Each part of the body of the text (from Introduction to Conclusion) should be numbered in chronological order: 1., 2., etc. If there are subsections, use the following numbering: 1. (1.1, 1.1.1, etc.); 2. (2.1, 2.1.1, etc.). In addition to the main sections listed above, authors may add other sections if necessary.

For nomenclatures and units, use the international system of units (SI). You can visit IUPAC website (

Figures and tables

Tables and figures must be inserted into the text and numbered in order of appearance: Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Table 1, Table 2, etc. They must be sufficiently legible. Tables and figures should be editable, not in image form. Authors should ensure that the tables and figures are properly cited in the text.

The corresponding caption should be placed directly below the figure or above the table.


All references cited in the text must be included in the references list and vice versa. It is strongly recommended to avoid referring to unpublished results. The word "in press" implies that the article has been accepted for publication and evidence can be provided if necessary.

Numbers in square brackets is recommended to defined references. They must appear in chronological order ([1], [2] etc.).

Use of DOI is highly encouraged.

Examples are given below.

Article from scientific journal

[1] Author(s) name(s), Article title (in italics), Journal, Volume (Issue), Year of publication, pagination.


[1] S. Hamidou, J.F. Nzihou, M. Bouda, T. Rogaume, J. Koulidiati, B.G. Segda, Contribution à l’évaluation du pouvoir calorifique inférieur du déchet modèle des pays en développement : cas de la fraction combustible des ordures ménagères (OM) du Burkina Faso, Rev. CAMES – Sciences Struct. Mat. 1 (2013) 1-16.

Article from a book

[1] Author(s) name(s), Chapter. “Book title" (with the mention "in"), Edition number, Publisher/Publishing house, City, Country or State, Year, Volume, 1st page of the chapter.


[1] A. Cornish-Bowden, M. Jamin, V. Saks, Basic Principle of Chemical Kinetics. In "Enzymatic Kinetics", Portland Press, Ltd, London (2004) 7.

Article from a website or other document

The full URL address must be provided and the date of consultation. Any other useful information could be added:  DOI, name of the authors, source(s) of the document consulted, etc.


[1] The Journal of Phytomania (issue 9). Moringa, Moringa oleifera, a tropical tree with multiple uses. (Accessed 09/01/2016).

When a reference cited in the manuscript involves only two co-authors use “and” as "Ali and Baba [1]". Beyond two co-authors, write "Ali et al. [1]". 

4.1.4 Content of the main sections


The abstract must be written in a clear and concise manner. It must not exceed 250 words. It should briefly present the context, the importance of the study and the methods used. It must also present the main results (the most significant ones) while recalling their importance for the field of study.


Keywords must be relevant and reflect the content of the article. They are intended to make the article visible by facilitating its search in scientific databases. Keywords must not contain more than 6 words. Avoid multiple concepts by using “and” or “of”. Avoid abbreviations unless they have been defined in advance (in the Abstract).


The introduction should be written in a way that is attractive. It begins with an overview of the research area, supported by relevant concepts or theories that will serve as the basis for the study. It provides a very brief overview of the most recent and relevant work done previously in relation to the study. The introduction should highlight any weaknesses or contradictions that the study seeks to resolve or clarify. It is therefore necessary to show the importance of the subject and its scientific and/or community interest. The objectives of the study should be clearly formulated. In addition, the introduction should briefly outline the methodological approach (details will be discussed in the Methods section). It should highlight the potential benefits or impact of expected results.

Materials and methods

The “Materials and methods” section should be clear enough to allow other researchers to easily replicate the study. This section should present according to the study: the equipment and techniques of analysis, reagents and materials, samples (sampling method), experimental procedures, the methods of statistical analysis including the name and version of the software used. It is important to mention, if necessary, the precautions taken to ensure the reliability of results (limitations of methods used).

For theoretical work, provide a clear understanding of basic theories, models (assumptions, approximations, etc.), methods and approaches used.

Results and discussion

The “Results and discussion” section is one of the most critical parts of the manuscript. It presents the contributions of the study. It is recommended to combine the results and their discussion rather than separate them.

Results should be clear, concise and logical. Data (quantitative) may be tabulated or illustrated with graphs, figures or diagrams. Duplication should be avoided as much as possible. Secondary data can be placed in the Appendix. It is important not to overlook unexpected results; they could open up new research perspectives.

The discussion is a thorough and comprehensive analysis of the study results. It must be consistent, well-structured and objective. It allows for an understanding of the impact of the study at a scientific and/or community level. We should not hesitate to point out the limits of the study and suggest additional work that could be done. 


The conclusion should be clear and concise, linking all parts of the article while providing an overall overview of the importance of the study. In this context, the main results obtained and the methods used should be recalled without going into technical details. Work outcomes and objectives must be linked. New learning in the field of study must be identified. The research carried out must be proposed from a research perspective, taking into account the results obtained and any limitations identified.

4.2 Submission and publication

4.2.1 Submission

Submissions to Sciences des Structures et de la Matière are exclusively online via the journal’s link :

"". Therefore, registration and login are mandatory for submitting manuscripts online and to track the status of current submissions.

For any new registrations go to the address below and fill out the form. "".

4.2.2 Article proof

The editing of the proof of an accepted article is an essential step in the publication process of the Sciences des Structures et de la Matière journal. This stage ensures that the article will be published in a correct version. The proof is the version of the manuscript validated by all the reviewers and revised by the Editorial Board of the journal. This revision mainly focuses on the formatting of the manuscript and any amendments which can only be minor. The proof is sent to the corresponding author by e-mail for review in order to correct any errors (typographical and syntactic) and to check the accuracy of the text, tables and figures. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to send the corrected version of the proof as soon as possible so as not to delay publication.  

4.2.3 Articles publishing charge (APC)

Any accepted article can only be published if the entire amount of 100,000 F CFA (XOF) (not including transaction costs) corresponding to 153 €, is paid by the authors. This amount includes the review and publication fees. The full APC is paid directly to the bank account of CRUFAOCI (UBA Burkina) whose details are given below.

   Bank code: BF022

   Code: 01242

   Account number: 421030003323

   RIB key: 29

   City: Ouagadougou

   Agency: Dimdolobsom

For further information, please contact the Editor (E-mail:; WhatsApp: +2250151064942).

4.3 Peer review

The manuscript is evaluated in two stages. The first stage is done by the Editorial Board. This step covers the verification of conformity with the aims and scopes of the journal; the analysis of plagiarism (for an article to be admissible, it must present less than 15% uniformity); the verification of the format and the structure of the manuscript (see Guide for authors); the language level verification. If this first step is satisfied, then the anonymous manuscript is sent to at least two independent expert reviewers. The evaluation time for a manuscript is approximately three weeks. The Sciences des Structures et de la Matière Editorial Board is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of articles. Its decision is final.

4.4 Open access information

The articles published in Sciences des Structures et de la Matière journal are permanently available online. They can be read, printed, downloaded and translated freely (no cost or restriction). However, any form of commercial use is strictly prohibited.

4.5 Ethics

Submission of a manuscript to Sciences des Structures et de la Matière implies that the work presented has never been published before and is not submitted concurrently for publication in another journal. Manuscripts submitted for publication must present unpublished experimental or theoretical results.

Once accepted, the article in whole or in part shall no longer be published in any other journal in any form whatsoever.

The contributions published by Sciences des Structures et de la Matière represent the opinion of the authors and not that of the Editorial Board or the journal Editor named CRUFAOCI, much less of CAMES. All authors are responsible for the entire content of their contributions. To this end, it is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that all co-authors have approved the manuscript in its submitted form.

For transparency, when a manuscript is carried by at least two co-authors, it is strongly encouraged to indicate the individual contributions of each co-author: conceptualization; writing (original draft or review); supervision; investigation; data curation; formal analysis, validation; methodology; funding acquisition; visualization, etc. This part will not appear on the published article but is compiled in the journal database.

The order in which names appear on an article cannot be changed after it has been published. Any addition or deletion of author names on an accepted or published can only be done with the approval of the journal Editor.

4.6 Abbreviation

The abbreviation for RAMReS Sciences des Structures et de la Matière is: RAMReS Sci. Struct. Mat.

4.7 License terms

4.7.1 Author rights

Sciences des Structures et de la Matière journal publishes Gold Open Access articles.

Once the publication fees have been paid in full, the article is accessible to all without any embargo period, restriction or chargeThe authors may share their article on other platforms, in institutional databases, or use their work for personal or academic purposes.

4.7.2 User rights

Sciences  des Structures et de la Matière journal is based on a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND) license :

Any reader can download, translate and print articles without any conditions. He can share articles (without modification) with attribution to the authors. Any use of an article in any form for commercial purposes is prohibited.

4.8 Additional information

For further information, please contact the Editor-in-Chief (E-mail:; WhatsApp: +225 01 51 06 49 42).


Copyright Notice

Author rights

Sciences des Structures et de la Matière journal publishes Gold Open Access articles.

Once the publication fees have been paid in full, the article is accessible to all without any embargo period, restriction or chargeThe authors may share their article on other platforms, in institutional databases, or use their work for personal or academic purposes.

User rights

Sciences  des Structures et de la Matière journal is based on a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND) license :

Any reader can download, translate and print articles without any conditions. He can share articles (without modification) with attribution to the authors. Any use of an article in any form for commercial purposes is prohibited.