Investigating the Tenor Continua in Femi Osofisan’s Women of Owu through the Hallidayan Mood Grammar

Yémalo C. Amoussou, Judes Assogba


Abstract - This paper analyses the Mood structure and system in two extracts from the Nigerian playwright Femi Osofisan‟s (2006) The Women of Owu with a view to decoding the role relationships established among war winners and losers. Drawing on the SFL requirements for text analysis, researchers have first identified, categorized, quantified, analyzed and interpreted the language data related to the three components of the grammar of interpersonal meaning, namely mood, modality and adjunct types selected by different participants in the conversations to assert the three tenor continua: power, contact and affective involvement. The findings reveal that though contract is frequent among the interactants, the affective involvement among them is low and the power unequal. Key words: mood, modality, adjunct, interpersonal relationship. Résumé - Ce travail analyse la structure et le système modaux de deux extraits tirés de la pièce Women of Owu du dramaturge nigérian Femi Osofisan (2006) afin de décoder les relations interpersonnelles établies entre les vainqueurs et les vaincus. Il est basé sur une étude quantitative des éléments grammaticaux : mode, modalités et compléments circonstanciels choisis par les différents intervenants au cours des conversations. Les distributions des types de modes ajoutés à celles des modalités et des compléments circonstanciels ont révélé que le pouvoir est inégal entre les participants, le contact est fréquent mais l‟implication affective est basse. Mots clés : mode, modalité, complément circonstanciel, relation interpersonnelle

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