Méthode expérimentale d’interprétation des données des essais de pompage des forages d’eau exploitant les formations aquifères continues
After the execution of drilled wells, pumping tests are carried out during their provisional site handover. The main goal of these pumping tests is to determine the characteristics of the structure-aquifer complex and the hydrodynamic parameters of the aquifer formations. However, most of the operating flow rates being different from those of the provisional site handover pumping tests, few studies are interested in determining the dynamic water levels in the borehole and the depth of their operating pumps; particularly in case of increasing the pumping time to satisfy the daily water needs of an agglomeration, an agricultural area or a factory in extension. The aim of the current paper is to derive mathematical formulas from those of Theis and Cooper-Jacob to solve these problems.
Texte intégral :
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