Partial phytochemical characterization of the fruits of Saba senegalensis (Apocynacaea) and Landolphia heudolotii (Apocynaceae) .

Félix Kini, A. Saba, C. Parkouda, S. Ouedraogo, P. I. Guissou


The wild tree species define themselves as species pushing to the wild state. These species have a non negligible contribution in the alimentation in farming environment. The investigations led in three regions of Burkina allowed to list about forty species used as ailments Among these, two species were selected for chemical analysis:   Saba senegalensi (Apocynaceae) and Landolphia heudeolotii (Apocynaceae).

Their phytonutrients and fat soluble vitamins. were determined.

Carotenoïds, anthraquinones, sterols, triperpenes as phytonutrients, and the b-carotene   (provitamin A) = 1559 µg/100g, the vitamin K1 = 889 µg/100g as fat soluble vitamins were found in the fruits of S. Senegalensis

While carotenoïds, anthraquinones tannins, coumarins, sterols, triterpenes as phytonutrients, and b-carotene = 275 µg/100g., the vitamin E = 4 603 µg/100g, the vitamins K1 = 195 µg/100g and the vitamin K3 = 304 µg/100g as fat soluble vitamins were found in the fruits of L. heudeolotii..

Key words:  phytonutrients, vitamins, metabolic diseases, S. senegalensis L. heudolotii

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