Évaluation sensorielle de jus mixtes à base de jus de gingembre (Zingiber officinale) et de corossol (Annona Muricata L.)



Sensory evaluation of mixed juices based on ginger juice (Zingiber officinale) and soursop (Annona muricata L.)

The objective of the present study is to formulate a unique juice from the mixture of ginger and soursop rhizome juices in proportions acceptable to the consumer. For this purpose, the obtained ginger juice and soursop juice were processed separately. Then, the ginger and soursop juices were blended in the mass-to-mass (w/w) proportions to make 50/50, 60/40, 70/30, 80/20 and 90/10 formulations, respectively. The resulting mixed juices were submitted to a tasting panel through a descriptive test by comparison to the ginger juice control (100%) on the appropriate descriptors of color, clarity, fluidity, fibrousness, sweetness, acidity, pungency, astringency, aroma and smell. The accepted mixed juice blends were then submitted to the same tasting panel through a hedonic test to compare the perceived differences and make a final acceptability choice. The results show that, at the descriptive test level, the preferences are for mixed juices at the proportions of 80/20 and 90/10 (JM20 and JM10). The two mixed juices submitted to the hedonic test gave non-significant (p > 0.05) average scores for the attributes. In conclusion, it appears that the two juices JM20 and JM10 are accepted.

Keywords: Ginger; Soursop; Mixed juice; Sensory evaluation.

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