Simulation à l’aide de PRO-II de la pyrolyse des huiles de palme et de coprah sur unité pilote à la Société Ivoirienne de Raffinage (SIR)
PRO-II simulation of palm and copra oils pyrolysis on a pilot unit at the Société Ivoirienne de Raffinage (SIR)
Overproduction of vegetable oils accounts for around 10% of production. In addition, there are oils that have been downgraded because of their high acidity level (> 6%). This work consisted of simulation tests using PRO-II on the pyrolysis of these vegetable oils for use as fuel in existing combustion engines. According to the results obtained, the bio-gasoline cut is extracted between 40 °C and 216 °C, and 40 °C and 180 °C, respectively for palm and copra; whereas the biodiesel cut is extracted between 216 °C and 263 °C, and between 180 °C and 196 °C, in the same order. For these two types of cut, the average molar weights are close to those of petroleum-based fuel. The palm-diesel cut shows more pronounced peaks in n-pentadecane (49.87%), while with copra-diesel oil, the chromatogram shows a more pronounced peak for n-undecane at 62.07%. This distribution of weight percentages is inherent to each oil, and shows that the biodiesel obtained with copra is lighter than that obtained with palm oil, even though overall they are both close to paraffin. In addition, the density of the distillation residue from palm oil is close to that of its diesel. In short, the simulation produced cuts close to those of conventional fuels, and could therefore be a decisive tool for the efficient implementation of a pilot unit.
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