Introduction of an SIS semolina machine in the fresh Attiéké manufacturing process: profitability study of a production unit in the village of Débrimou

Pierre Martial Akely, Eliane Gnagne, Brou Roger Konan, Khaled Bouguerra et al.


A low-maintenance plant cassava contributes to addressing food crises in Africa. Cassava represents a sustainable solution for self-sufficiency among rural populations due to its ease in generating income. In the artisanal transformation of cassava into attiéké, a SIS semolina machine was introduced during the milling stage to alleviate the laboriousness of the process, offering a sustainable solution to enhance artisanal production conditions. To achieve this, the economic model of the Koc'idj women's association of Débrimou was studied, as well as the profitability of the SIS semolina machine. The classic break-even point was determined, with profits indicating a positive outcome and losses indicating a negative one. The results reveal that the association follows a standard but closed economic model. The two hundred active members, well-organized but independent artisans, produce fresh attiéké in their village, which they consume themselves and sell to retailers and direct consumers exclusively located in Dabou and Abidjan. They provide all the labour, operating in a circular system to involve all women. Cassava supply is facilitated by men to the women who make up various production teams. After sales, they divide the revenue based on the quantities of cassava contributed as input. The association partially relies on the revenue generated by the grinder. Furthermore, the net result of a fresh attiéké production unit under working conditions of the women is positive. This work has a significant impact on the production of attiéké and raises interest in mechanizing the fresh attiéké production process, a sustainable solution to alleviate the growing impoverishment of this community.

 Keywords: Cassava; Attiéké; Semolining; Profitability; Safety.

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