Détection électrochimique d’un perturbateur endocrinien, le propylparabène, à partir d’une électrode à base de carbone graphite modifiée par le Moringa

Teadouanka Luciano Loua et al.


Electrochemical detection of an endocrine disruptor, propylparaben, using a graphite-based carbon electrode modified with Moringa Parabens are suspected of disrupting the endocrine system by mimicking the properties of some hormones, including the activation of estrogen receptors. This raises concerns about their effects on fertility and the risk of hormone-dependent cancers, such as breast cancer. For the protection of public health and in response to consumer concerns, it is imperative that the detection of parabens in products be facilitated. This work describes the synthesis of an electrochemical sensor capable of detecting propylparaben, a type of paraben. The electrode surface electroactivity has been enhanced by using Moringa as a modifier. The study used    cyclic voltammetry and square wave voltammetry as electrochemical  methods  and  focused on the concentration of propylparaben, the working electrode, the detection limit and the effect of pH. The modified electrode, named EPC/Mor, showed good sensitivity in detecting propylparaben with a detection limit of 2.59x10-7M.

Keywords : Synthesis; Modified electrode; Propyl paraben; Electrochemical sensor; Moringa.

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