Electrode à pâte de carbone modifiée par le Phyllanthus amarus pour la détection du plomb

De Serifou Matyla et al.


Carbon paste electrode modified with Phyllanthus amarus for lead detection

Lead, like most metals, exists in natural matrices (water and soil). It is one of the most toxic trace metal elements (ETM) for both the environment and humans. The long-term presence of lead in the body causes idiopathic intellectual disabilities, cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney diseases. Detection is therefore essential to prevent these cases of disease. In this work, it was necessary to synthesize an electrochemical sensor capable of detecting trace state lead. In this respect, Phyllanthus amarus was used as a modifier to improve the electroactivity of the surface of an electrode based on graphite carbon paste. The latter was characterized in the presence of lead for detection by electrochemical methods such as cyclic voltammetry and square wave voltammetry. The influences of pH and Pb concentration were studied. Electrochemical parameters such as the detection limit and the quantification limit were determined. The developed electrode has shown very good sensitivity for lead detection.

Keywords: Synthesis; Modified electrode; Phyllanthus amarus; Electrochemical sensor; Lead.

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