The Characters’s Conflicting Natures and Tensions in Sherley Anne Williams’s Dessa Rose

Biram SENE


Abstract - This article studies the tensions and conflicts existing between black and white characters in Sherley Anne Williams’ Dessa Rose. Moving from slavery, it shows how the quest of power and freedom has disturbed the social peace in America. In fact, the domination of masters like Wilson has led to many wrongdoings and suscitated the resistance of Black people for survival reasons. Black people have not been given any choice apart from resisting. This position is well-understood by Dessa Rose, the eponymous character who wages a rude struggle for their liberation from Wilson’s coffle. As slaves are humiliated and illtreated, the only chance offered to them is to get together and resist ; which they have done and many deadly consequences have followed their rebellion since more than thirty-one among them have been killed. In addition to their deaths, some white people have also been killed in this event and the master, Wilson has lost one of his arm and a lot of properties destroyed. Through this event, Williams shows that no social peace is possible if it is not based on collective interest. She uses the relationship between Miz Rufel and the Negroes to express her will of seeing Blacks and Whites in America living in a spirit of brotherhood regardless of the ethnic groups or races they belong. She calls all American people to cultivate tolerance, solidarity, love and mutual acceptance in their differences.
Keywords: Freedom, power, rebellion, resistance, social peace, struggle,


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